Carbon Monoxide Law Help
What you Should Know About Carbon Monoxide and your Health
Carbon monoxide is an especially dangerous gas because it is both odorless and tasteless. This makes it difficult for people to know when they have been exposed. Carbon monoxide poisoning is also dangerous because the symptoms, which include headaches and dizziness, can mimic other less serious ailments, such as the flu. People who experience these symptoms may choose not to seek medical help because, initially, they think there’s nothing really wrong. Or they may visit a doctor and not be properly diagnosed. This can make carbon monoxide injuries worse because the body is deprived of oxygen for a longer period of time.
Carbon Monoxide Poisoning Symptoms:
The specifics of your medical problems will vary depending on how much carbon monoxide exposure you suffer and how much oxygen your body is able to get.
Chronic exposure to low levels of carbon monoxide can cause:
- Depression;
- Memory loss; and
- Confusion.
Acute exposure can cause symptoms including:
- Confusion;
- Vertigo;
- A feeling of being lightheaded;
- Sensations resembling the flu;
- Seizures;
- Damage your nervous system and heart;
- Coma; or even
- Death.
Contact our Carbon Monoxide Lawyers
If you or someone you care about has been poisoned by carbon monoxide contact The Overchuck Law Firm immediately. Our early intervention is critical. Call us at 1-855-683-7248 or fill out the online form provided on this page and we will call you back shortly..

Regions Served - Providing highly specialized legal representation to victims of carbon monoxide poisoning throughout the United States.
The firm's attorneys are admitted to practice in the State of Florida. The hiring of a lawyer is an important decision that should not be based solely upon advertisements. Before you decide, ask us to send you free written information about our qualifications and experience.

Carbon Monoxide Lawyers Representing Victims throughout the United States.

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