Orlando Catastrophic Injury Attorney
A catastrophic injury or illness typically occurs suddenly and without warning, requiring significant medical treatment. Accidents in which people suffer severe burns, head injuries, loss or paralysis of limbs, or loss of eyesight or hearing are catastrophic in nature.
A catastrophic injury or illness may result in severe disruption to the central nervous system, which in turn affects many other systems of the body. In addition to possible loss of movement, sensation, and communicative and cognitive abilities, the injury or illness may impact respiration, circulation, skin, the urinary system, the gastrointestinal system, and other body systems.
Catastrophic injury victims and their families often experience significant life changes as they progress through acute hospitalization, rehabilitation, and return to home and community. Some people recover from their catastrophic injuries. Others live with permanent disability, extreme pain and suffering, a significantly shortened lifespan, or permanently altered lifestyles and work abilities.
A catastrophic injury or illness can affect how you live. You and your family may have to make adjustments in every aspect of your lives to function day to day. There may be tasks that have to relearned, and months if not years of physical, vocational and occupational therapy may be necessary.
If a catastrophic injury or illness was caused by the negligent or intentional act of another or by a dangerous or defective product, a personal injury claim by the victim will be an important consideration when deciding your future quality of life, including the quality of the medical care and other support you may need. Catastrophic injury cases are among the most complex cases, and require specialized legal help. At The Overchuck law firm, we understand the extensive treatment and recovery process often needed in catastrophic injury or illness cases, and we can help you receive the compensation that you and your family deserve. Cases typically involve claims for pain and suffering, reimbursement for past and future medical care, and loss of earnings.
If you or a family member have suffered a catastrophic injury or illness, we are available to answer your questions. Please send us an inquiry by using the form at our help page.
If you believe that someone has caused you harm due to their negligence, you will normally be required to prove that person had a duty to exercise the care of a reasonably prudent or ordinarily careful person under the particular circumstances, and failed to act accordingly. As your attorney we will also detail how you must also prove that the person or company’s inaction or carelessness caused your injury and related damages.

The Overchuck Law Firm
1503 West Smith Street
Orlando, FL 32804
Fax: (321) 285-0430
Email: john@overchuck.com

The Overchuck Law Firm

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Any type of personal injury does more than cause an injury. It can change your life. Not just your life but the lives of your family members. We are here to help.