Orlando Product Liability Attorneys
A surprising number of Floridians are injured each year while using manufactured products. Many of the injuries are caused by defective products. If you are hurt by a defective product you are entitled to recover damages for various aspects of your injury. Many people are unaware that there is an entire section of law about manufacturer and product company responsibility for any damage caused by the goods they sell. This area of law is known as Product Liability Law and it refers to the process for compensating consumers injured or killed by dangerous or defective products.
Frequently product liability cases involve automobiles that are dangerous because a design defect which caused vehicle rollover during evasive driving maneuver or because a defective seat belt failed to restrain the occupants. Other product liability cases involve:
- Motorcycles
- ATVs
- Lawnmowers
- Cigarette lighters
- Flammable mattresses
- Hip prosthetic devices
- Faulty brakes
- Contaminated baby food
- Flammable children’s pajamas
- Lack of label warnings
- Many other products used at work or home
Victim compensation for defective products can include the cost of:
- Immediate and future medical care
- Lost wages and future wages
- Money to compensate for pain and suffering, including mental or emotional distress
At the Overchuck Law Firm we have successfully sued automobile manufacturers, lighter manufacturers, mattress manufacturers, motorcycle manufacturers, and prosthetic device manufacturers, as well as manufacturers of numerous other products.
If you feel that you or a loved one has been injured or in the worst case, killed by a faulty or defective product call, contact or email the Orlando Product Liability Attorneys at Overchuck Law Firm today!

The Overchuck Law Firm
1503 West Smith Street
Orlando, FL 32804
Fax: (321) 285-0430
Email: john@overchuck.com

The Overchuck Law Firm

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Any type of personal injury does more than cause an injury. It can change your life. Not just your life but the lives of your family members. We are here to help.